In my last post, I wrote about forgiveness and I touched on presence.
I’d like to share more about being present.
You’ve probably heard that the present is also a gift. And It is our greatest gift in this life. It’s really all we have. Tomorrow isn’t promised, yesterday is gone. The surest way to live fully is to be in the here and now. Within doing anything, be present and give 100% to it. This way you can always know you have done your best. We can only respond with the tools and knowledge we have at the given moment. In this respect it’s good not to beat ourselves up for past mess ups. We did the best we could in that moment.

If your mind is running on the chipmunk wheel, spinning round and round and round, there are a couple of tips I know to pull you back into the present.
You can always take a few long, slow, deep breaths.
Another way I know when the mind is really on a tangent….. is to start listing things about your present moment, for example: My name is Catherine Velasquez, It’s raining outside, I am wearing my striped pajama pants with a white tee shirt, I am sitting on a chair in my kitchen. I can hear the refrigerator motor running, there is a lamp turned on over my head, as I type on my computer. Get as detailed as you need to. Keep going until your mind is far from the spinning wheel it was on. Then perhaps take a few deep breaths and say some things out loud you are grateful for. These techniques will work for you, if you use them.

And here are some other practical tips…
Having your hair cut when the Moon is waxing (getting bigger) will promote faster growth.
Conversely, if you are wanting slower hair growth have it cut when the Moon is waning.
If a metal zipper is getting stuck and not sliding easily. Slide a pencil graphite along both sides of the teeth.
To remove label adhesive from glass, use rubbing alcohol or cooking oil. If it’s really stuck you may need to soak the glass in either the oil or rubbing alcohol for some time.
I love your wisdom and sensitivity around the ways in which we trap ourselves with the monkey mind. I appreciate your valuable advice and feel the sincerity and care of your sharing. Thank you for touching our lives in these simple yet precious ways. You are a gem of a human Catherine.